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How about a little hard earned cash for your referrals? It's pretty easy. Just take out a FREE MEMBERSHIP in our community and tell your friends about Classic Auto Network’s Ad Program, What's It Worth Guide or Dealer Program. We'll pay you when they use your member name at check out!

For logged in members, this section is accessed on the Referral Program tab of your MEMBER CONSOLE member console.

You’re accomplishing a few things by spreading the word. You are helping to grow your online community! You also are putting a little money in your pocket, Car Club Treasury or towards a favorite Charity. All of this plus your friends thanking you for the coupon for $20 off placing an ad or Historical Valuation Subscription! What more could you ask for? Well how about if you know a few dealers out there, let them know about us! Not only do we give a free month to all referred dealers, but for letting them know about our community, we'll pay you $125 for using your member name at sign up!

Payout Amounts!
Now this is where life gets real easy for you. Once you log on to the Referral Program tab of your MEMBER CONSOLE member console, you can see some examples of emails that you can easily send to your friends by just putting in their email addresses. You end up sending them the message after each example. You can also see exactly which members used your coupon code and when they took advantage of this great offer!
  Ad Placement and Valuation Referral Payouts
# Of Referrals Per Referral We Pay You
1 $20 $20
5 $20 $100
10 $20 $200
25 $20 $500
50 $20 $1,000
100 $20 $2,000
250 $20 $5,000
500  $20 $10,000
1000 $20 $20,000
  Dealer Program Referral Payouts
# Of Referrals Per Referral We Pay You
1 $125 $125
5 $125 $625
10 $125 $1,250
25 $125 $3,125
50 $125 $6,250
100 $125 $12,500
250 $125 $31,250
500  $125 $62,500
1000 $125 $125,000
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